Sunday, December 29, 2019

Partnership Agreement FAQ - Australia

freundship Agreement FAQ - AustraliaPartnership Agreement FAQ - AustraliaWhat is a mann an ihrer seiteship?What is a mann an ihrer seiteship?A lebensabschnittsgefhrteship is a form of business organization in which two or more individuals manage and operate the business with a view to making a profit. Each partner shares a fixed proportion of the partnership profits and losses. Depending on the type of partnership, each partner may be personally liable for the debt and obligations of the company. One benefit of a partnership is that partnership income is only taxed once. Partnership income flows through to the individual partners who will be taxed on their partnership income. This contrasts with a corporation where income is taxed at two levels. Corporation income is taxed twice first as a corporate entity and also at the shareholder level where shareholders are taxed on any dividends received.What is the difference between a partnership and a joint venture?A joint venture can be di stinguished from a partnership where a joint venture is usually limited in scope to a single project or is limited in duration to a specific time frame. In plus-rechnen although the members of a joint venture will share the burden of costs in the venture, profits will be managed by each member. For example Two related companies may work together in a joint venture to research and develop a specific product but once the product is complete each member will take the resulting product to their respective marketplace to be marketed and sold for the exclusive profit of that individual member. In this case each member would notlage share in the profits of another member. Each member will benefit from their own ability to exploit the product within their respective marketplace. This differs from a partnership where partners share directly in a common cost and profit pool.Depending upon your jurisdiction there may be tax benefits for a joint venture over a partnership where a member of a jo int venture may be treated differently from a partner in a partnership.How are partnerships created?How are partnerships created?Partnerships can be created by contracts, such as this one. But even where no formal contract exists, the courts may find a partnership based on the characteristics of the relationship between the parties. All the relevant terms of the partnership should be expressly included in the partnership contract. If you do not have a partnership contract in writing and the partnership breaks down then it will be up to the courts to create the terms of the partnership. These terms may not be what the parties intended. By using this contract, you are ensuring that the terms of your partnership agreement are what you intend them to be.How does a partnership end?The parties can expressly agree that a partnership will end at a specified date, or upon completion of certain tasks. In some jurisdictions a partnership may end on the death or bankruptcy of a partner unle ss the partnership agreement expressly states otherwise. Absent an agreement, partners can make a written submission to the other partners to have themselves withdrawn from the partnership. A partnership agreement should protect the partnership and remaining partners from the withdrawal of an essential partner. If the voluntary withdrawal of a partner offends a term of the partnership agreement then the withdrawing partner may be liable for any damages suffered by the partnership or remaining partners.Where do I file my General Partnership Agreement?You do not file your general partnership agreement. The general partnership agreement is simply an agreement between the partners. Only companies such as LLP, LLC, and corporations, where there is limited liability for the owners, are required to register. The partners in a general partnership have unlimited liability for the debts and obligations of the partnership.What are the different types of partnership?What are the different typ es of partnership?Partnerships can be either general partnerships, or limited partnerships. Limited partnerships consist of one or more general partners and one or more limited partners. A general partner actively manages the business and may contribute capital to the partnership. A limited partner will contribute capital to the partnership but will have no active role in running the business. A general partnership consists only of general partners who all have unlimited liability for the debts and obligations of the partnership. Our partnership agreement is intended for a general partnership and is not suitable for use by a limited partnership.What is a general partner?A general partner contributes money to the partnership, likely has a say in the day-to-day operations of the partnership, and has unlimited liability for the debts and obligations of the business. A limited partnership must have at least one general partner who will have unlimited liability for the debts and obli gations of the partnership. All partners in a general partnership are general partners and all have unlimited liability.What is a limited partnership?Limited partnerships consist of one or more general partners and one or more limited partners. A general partner actively manages the business and may contribute capital to the partnership. A general partner has unlimited liability for the debts and obligations of the business. A limited partner will contribute capital to the partnership but will have no active role in running the business. The liability of a limited partner is limited to the amount of capital they contributed to the partnership. Our partnership agreement is intended for a general partnership and is not suitable for use by a limited partnership.What is a limited partner?A limited partner only contributes money to a limited partnership. They do not have any control of the day-to-day operation of the partnership. Their liability is limited to the amount of capital they contributed to the partnership. A limited partner that participates in management of the partnership may be exposed to the same liability as a general partner. A limited partner will have the right to participate in any decisions that affect their partnership interest such as amending the partnership agreement or admitting a new partner unless these rights are restricted by the partnership agreement. Their liability is limited to the amount of capital they contributed to the partnership. A general partnership will not have any limited partners.What is a managing partner?A partnership may have a managing partner who is responsible for managing the business. The managing partner will make all the day-to-day decisions of the partnership. The managing partner will have unlimited liability for the debts and obligations of the company. All partners in a general partnership will have the right to participate in the management and control of the partnership unless the management o bligations are delegated to one or more managing partners in the partnership agreement.What is a partnership at will?A partnership at will is intended to continue for no fixed period of time at the pleasure of the partners. It may be dissolved by any partner without notice or with notice as expressly stated in the partnership agreement.Duties and obligations of a partnerWhat are the legal consequences of being in a general partnership?First please note that these consequences only apply to a general partnership where all partners are equal.The first major consequence of being in a partnership is joint and several liability for all debts of the partnership. This means that all partners are equally and personally liable for the debts from the business. In addition, if one partner is unable to pay their portion of a partnership debt the remaining partners will be liable for the unresolved debt.Another legal consequence of a partnership is that all partners are agents of the partnershi p and may bind the partnership and thus their partners to outside parties. This is because all partners are agents of the partnership. This agency means that you will be responsible for all contracts created by your partners in the name of the partnership for activities normally carried out by the partnership. For example, a partner can bind you to a contract with a supplier but cannot bind the partnership for a family trip to Disneyland unless the other partners expressly authorized the expense for the Disneyland trip.A further legal consequence for partners, as with all types of businesses, is that partners can be held liable for the actions of their employees.Another consequence for partners deals with the taxation of a partnership. The partnership itself does not pay any taxes, though it may have to report its profits to the appropriate tax collection agency. The taxes are paid by the partners individually at their personal rate of taxation. This flow-through taxation also me ans that any partnership losses may be deducted from the individual partners other sources of income.What sort of duties and obligations do I have with my partners?Partners owe each other, and the partnership, a fiduciary duty. You cannot compete with the partnership by having a similar business in the same geographical area, and you cannot take opportunities for yourself that the partnership may want to pursue, and you cannot act either willfully or recklessly in a manner that will harm the partnership.What other factors do I need to consider before entering into a partnership agreement?While there are many other factors that need to be considered, such as the trustworthiness of your partners, the single most important factor to consider is the future growth of the company. Partnerships are ideal for lifestyle companies, and slow progressively growing companies. However, if you have a great idea that has significant risk and if you want to limit your risk, then you may want to c onsider incorporating your company.How can I limit the authority of my partners to sign contracts that bind the partnership?If you give notice to outside parties that the partner has no authority to make the contracts or perform any other actions that may bind the partnership then the partnership will not be bound by those actions. In a general partnership, limiting the authority of a partner to enter contracts on behalf of the partnership does not affect their standing as a general partner nor their joint and several liability for the debts and obligations of the partnership.MiscellaneousCan a partner transfer their interest in the partnership?Yes, a partner can transfer their interest in the partnership, if the partnership agreement does not restrict the transfer. If a partner incurs debts or becomes bankrupt then a third party may have a claim against the partners interest in the partnership. However, depending on the terms of the partnership agreement, the recipient of a trans ferred interest may not be given any power to vote or to participate in decision-making. The rights and obligations of a recipient of a partnership interest may be limited to the profits and losses of the partnership. This is to ensure that the remaining partners are not affected by the extravagance or incompatible notions of a new partner who was not a participant in the original partnership agreement.Can a partnership own assets like a corporation does?Yes, assets can be acquired by the partnership. This is done either by a partner transferring property to the partnership, or the partnership using its profits and other assets to acquire more property. Property acquired by the partnership is held in the name of the partnership but is not property of the partners individually. If property is held in the name of a partner it may not be partnership property even if it is used by the partnership.Why should I use mediationszeit or arbitration instead of going to court?Mediation and arbitration are superior processes when there is a long term relationship involved and the survival of the partnership is desirable. They focus on creating a mutually agreeable solution to a problem instead of the adversarial approach experienced in a courtroom confrontation. In addition to this, the process can be less expensive, and more expedient and efficient than the court process.What is the difference between mediation and arbitration?Mediation is a method of dispute resolution where the parties resolve disputes with the help of a neutral third party (mediator). The mediator does not have the power to make decisions or to enforce decisions against the parties.Arbitration is a method of dispute resolution where the parties agree to abide by the decision of an neutral third party (arbitrator).Do I need to register my general partnership agreement with the local, state, or county government?Generally no. While you are always free to register your partnership with the state gov ernment, only under some circumstances are you required to register your partnership with the local, state, or county government. The requirements differ for each state. Please contact the commerce department or section in your jurisdiction to determine if you are required to register your partnership.Why would the partnership want an initial period of prohibition on withdrawal?Partners in a partnership have a duty to function in the best interest of the partnership and each other. By enforcing a prohibition on withdrawal, individuals will be motivated to take their responsibility as a partner seriously and commit to at least a minimum period with the partnership. The other partners can then feel comfortable relying on the commitment of their fellow partners to the purpose and goals of the partnership.What is a Tax Matters Partner?The Tax Matters Partner prepares and submits all tax returns and reports as required by the taxation legislation.Issues requiring unanimous consentWhy w ould the partnership agreement require unanimous consent on some conditions but not others?In general, business decisions will be resolved by a majority vote of the partners. However where the impact on individual partners will be significant, the partnership may wish to resolve these decisions through a unanimous vote in order to protect the interests of individual partners. The partners may want to require unanimous consent for areas that are deemed critical to the success of the partnership, such as hiring/firing of employees or things that will affect the interests of all existing partners and their stake in the enterprise such as bringing on a new partner or acquiring or selling partnership assets or assuming substantial debt.Under the section Actions that require Unanimous Consent of the Partners, what is meant by the option Assignment of ownership rights of Partnership Property?Individual partners do not have property rights in partnership property. In order to protect the in terests of all partners from unauthorized behavior involving partnership property, the partners may want to enhance the control over the use and disposition of partnership property by requiring unanimous consent on issues involving the use and assignment of property rights in partnership property.Under the section Actions that require Unanimous Consent of the Partners, what is meant by the option Incurring total Partnership liabilities over a fixed dollar amount?All partners are jointly and severally liable for the debts and obligations of the partnership. Where expansion of the partnership requires a significant financial investment involving a large debt load, the interests of all partners must be considered before proceeding with that risk. Where the risk is great and where an individual partner may lose some or all of their personal holdings then the partnership may wish to protect the interests of individual partners in the partnership agreement. Within the partnership agreemen t the partners can agree what level of liability(dollar amount) is acceptable. Any liability over that amount would require the unanimous consent of all partners. Any liability under that amount would only require the consent of a majority of the partners.Under the section Actions that require Unanimous Consent of the Partners, what is meant by the option Incurring single transaction expenditures over a fixed amount?All partners are jointly and severally liable for the debts and obligations of the partnership. Individual partners may be exposed to varying degrees of personal risk as the result of the failure of the partnership. A wealthy partner may be much more willing to accept substantial risk. A less wealthy partner may be risking all personal assets. To protect the interests of all partners, the unanimous consent of all partners may be required when making substantial purchases.Under the section Actions that require Unanimous Consent of the Partners, what is meant by the option Sale of a Partnership asset with fair market value greater than a fixed amount?Sale of significant partnership assets should require the unanimous consent of all partners so that the interests of all partners are protected. An individual partner cannot sell or otherwise dispose of partnership property. This option includes the situation where an individual partner cannot use partnership property as collateral for a loan (either a personal loan or a partnership loan) without the majority or unanimous consent of the partners where the property could be subject to seizure if the loan was in default. Ensure the fixed amount selected is practical for the size of the partnership. It may be an unnecessary administrative burden to require unanimous approval for the sale of nominal assets.Under the section Actions that require Unanimous Consent of the Partners, what is meant by the option Releasing any Partnership claim except for full consideration?Where the partnership has a claim aga inst another person or business entity or where a debt is owed to the partnership it is in the best interest of the partnership and the individual partners if these obligations owed to the partnership are paid in full. Whenever an obligation is to be released for less than full consideration it is important that the interests of each partner is represented and each partner is allowed to provide or reasonably withhold consent to the transaction.Under the section Actions that require Unanimous Consent of the Partners, what is meant by the option Endangering the ownership or possession of Partnership property?Individual partners do not have property rights in partnership property. Where partnership assets are put at risk either by loaning to a third party or placing the asset in an environment where the asset is subjected to theft or loss affects the interest of all partners. In these situations the partnership may wish to require the unanimous consent of all partners.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

How Moms Can Find Meaningful Work

How Moms Can Find Meaningful WorkHow Moms Can Find Meaningful Work2You always imagined that you would have a career in the future, one that satisfied you both professionally and personally, focusing on meaningful work. But in reality, you may have had a string of unrelated jobs- and unsatisfying work experiences- that didnt really mean all that much to you. So now that its time to head back into the workforce, you really dont have any idea of what youd like to do. You know that you definitely dont want to be just a body filling up space and biding your time until the workdays over. Heres how moms can find meaningful work in five steps.Pursue your passion.Sure, your big sister may be a veterinarian, and your younger brother might be a stockbroker. But what youve always wanted to do was teach dance. One of the most direct paths to meaningful work is to discover what you really love to do. If youre still unsure, there are a couple of ways to figure it out. What would you do, even if no one ever paid you for it? What makes you feel excited and happy when you are doing it or are thinking about it? That is your passion, and your first step towards meaningful work.Dont be specific.Once you have a general idea of which area of work interests you, its time to abflug taking the steps towards making it happen. Unfortunately, this is the step that trips up most people. Why? Because many people falsely assume that you need to know exactly what you want to do from the get-go, and thats simply not the case. Even when youre gainfully employed, you will continue to change and grow within your desired field for years to come. Youll most likely have several jobs before you retire, so trying to predict the end goal job is virtually impossible. Simply knowing what interests you and what youd potentially like to do is a good second step. That way, you wont put unnecessary pressure on yourself.Know what you want. If your passions are a little, well, fuzzy, then another option is to f ocus on your talents. Everyone is good at at least one thing (if not more), and its time to assess what youre good at. Maybe over the course of being a stay-at-home mom you uncovered your oben liegend organizational and collaboration skills, which might lead to a job as a project manager. Or perhaps you unearthed your fantabulous fundraising and budgeting skills, which might be the impetus for an accounting or grant writing career.Redefine success.You may have held positions in the past that you kind of sort of liked, but didnt measure up in your eyes as being a real career. In order to find meaningful work- and be happy doing it- youll need to come to terms with what success means for you and you alone. For you, meaningful work may come in the form of being a teachers assistant for autistic children and helping them build life skills. Or it might be making enough money so that you can send your daughter to cheerleading camp for the summer. Satisfaction comes in many different varie ties. What matters most is determining what means the most to you.Find your flex. You may find a great job that allows you to pursue your passion. But that dream job can quickly turn into a nightmare if it doesnt align with your work-life balance needs. So as you look through job listings, be aware of what type of workplace flexibility youll need as you navigate the tricky waters of being a working mom. Keep in mind, too, that your needs may change over time you may start out needing a part-time telecommuting job so that you can be home in time for the school bus but eventually will be able to work full-time.You found meaning in being a mom. Now its time to find meaning in your work, too. Hopefully these tips will help you in your search for a job that youll like, which will eventually grow into a career that youll adore.Are you a mom looking for a job with flexibility? Take a look at thesegreat work-at-home jobs for stay-at-home moms.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

How to Ask for Your Job Back and Get Rehired

How to Ask for Your Job Back and Get RehiredHow to Ask for Your Job Back and Get RehiredYou have just started a new job. Yet, you have a sinking feeling that perhaps you made a mistake. What can you do when youve quit your job, started a new position, and then discover that the new job isnt what you expected? What are your options when you are already regretting leaving your old job, and you really wish you hadnt left? Is there a way you can get rehired after quitting your job? Whats the best way to ask for your old job back? Hopefully, you left your old employer on a positive notlagee. Because you dont know what can happen when you start a new job, it makes good sense to leave a job on the best terms you can. Even if you diligently check out the company, your future manager, and your co-workers as best you can, the job might not be what you thought it was and working for the company might not be what you expected. It happens, but before you ask for your old job back, be sure that yo u want it. Even if you could go back, you might not be able to. Its also important to think about why you decided to leave your employer. If nothing has changed, other than you not liking your new job, it might be better to continue your job search for a position thats a better fit. Should You Ask for Your Job Back? Does it make sense to ask for your job back? You resigned for a reason. Is the fact that the new job isnt working out a good enough reason to return to a situation that you have recently left? Or, does it make sense to look for another new job and move on? Think seriously about what you would have to lose - or gain - if you quit the new job and started over. If youre stressed even thinking about going to work, and you cant see any options for changing the dynamic at your new workdistribution policy, it might be time to move back or move on to something else. There may be a way you can carefully discuss the situation with your new manager. After all, the company may be having second thoughts as well. If you do, dont mention how much you hate your job. Instead, review options for what to do next before you start a conversation or make any decisions. Weigh the pros and cons before you make a final decision Make a list of why you left and then create another list of what the benefits would be if you went back.If the pros outweigh the cons, consider asking for your old job back or for a new job with your former employer. Will the Company Rehire You? Dont presume that the company will hire you back even if they loved the job you did. Your position may have already been filled. Even if its not, they might prefer to start over with someone else. There will be questions about your commitment to the company and whether youll quit again the next time you get a job offer. If the company is willing to consider rehiring you, you would probably have to sell yourself to the company and make the case that its a good idea to rehire you. Be prepared to expl ain why you left, what didnt work out at the new company, and why you want to come back. Also, be prepared to show the company why it is advantageous for them to rehire you, and how you will show your commitment to staying this time around. How to Ask for Your Job Back Here are tips you can use to try to get your old job back Resign Gracefully. Before you leave, do everything you can to ensure you resigned on good terms. Heres advice on how to resign from a job. Leaving on the best terms possible will help you keep a foot in the door of the company and up your chances of getting rehired. If you didnt leave on the best of terms, it might be difficult to get rehired. You could reach out to your former manager to try and smooth things over.Stay Connected with Colleagues. Keep in touch with your former colleagues. Connect with them on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google. Send an email once in a while to check on how they are doing. Have coffee and lunch on occasion. T he more connected you are, the easier it will be to go back. The stronger your personal connections, the more likely you are to be taken back. Stay Connected to the Company. In addition to keeping in touch with your former colleagues, stay connected to the company. If the company has a LinkedIn Group, join it or follow the companys LinkedIn page. You could also like the company Facebook page, and follow the company on Twitter. If your former employer runs a corporate alumni network, join it. The more engaged you stay, the better your chances of returning.Make a Decision. Dont make a hasty decision. Be sure you want to go back. Dont go back just because its the path of least resistance and its easier to ask for your job back than it is to start your job search over. Be sure its the right move from both a career and a personal perspective. Ask for Your Job. If you decide you do want to go back to work for your former employer, you can request an in-person meeting or send a letter or e mail message asking for your job back. Heres a sample letter to ask for your job back and a template that you can edit to fit your personal circumstances.What Else Can You Do? Check on other jobs at the company. If your job has been filled, inquire about other openings you might be qualified for. Companies are likely to consider rehiring ex-employees who have done a good job for them in the past. There may even be a position thats a better fit than the job you left. Be Prepared to Explain. Be prepared to answer questions - lots of questions. Prepare answers to questions about why you quit, why you want your job back, and why the company should rehire you. Youll need to be convincing and sell the company on giving you a second chance.Have a Plan B. Going back to your former position may not be an option. Have a backup plan in place and be prepared to start a new job search. Here are tips on what to do when a new job doesnt work out. Even though its difficult to be told no, it may be better, in the long run, to consider other options and keep your career path moving forward instead of backward. What to Do Next If you get a positive response from your former employer, the next step is to resign from your job as gracefully as possible. It can be uncomfortable, but quitting a job you just started may be the best option for the employer as well as yourself. What should you do if your old employer doesnt want you back? Start discreetly looking for a new position, line up some references who can attest to your qualifications, and consider this as a bump in your career - not a major incident. It happens more often than you may think. Ultimately, if the job isnt the best fit, it would best for everyone if you moved on.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

The State of Your Resume

The State of Your Resume The State of Your Resume Most people wait until theyre looking for a job to brush off their resume. Instead, start thinking of your resume as a living document, kind of like the U.S. Constitution, that should be regularly reviewed and revised.While the basic information will stay the same- where you went to college, for example- the overall focus may shift as your career unfolds. After each new project, update your resume while details are fresh in your mind, and its easy to explain what you accomplished or learned, says Lisa Dickter, associate director for Career Consultants Carnegie Mellons Career and Professional Development Center. Whenever you have something to add, do it as soon as possible. The point of a resume is citing your accomplishments and giving the specifics what you did, and how you did it.Dickters advice reflects a growing trend in resumes to show, not tell. A few years ago, it welches more common for a resume to begin with an objective (e .g., Im a detailed-oriented, driven professional looking for my next challenge) and then list position titles and their associated job duties. Now, hiring managers are more interested in seeing a summary of skills at the top of the page and then an overview of your accomplishments and results for each place you worked.If youve waited until you need a new resume, many of these specifics may have slipped your mind. Make a habit of updating the document every time you hit a major milestone on the job that way youll always be prepared with an up-to-date resume that reflects your best work. You might also want to periodically check on resume writing trends to see if yours has become the equivalent of shoulder pads and mile-wide ties. Using keywords, for example, has become increasingly important in the age of recruitment software, and you need to have a basic understanding of how to include them in your resume if you want to get hired.We live in a connected society where we expect to acc ess information in real-time from a variety of devices. Unfortunately, that means your carefully laid out Microsoft Word document is already a relic of the past. If you havent already created a web-ready version of your resume, its time to do so. Hyperlinking to your portfolio or website has become common. Some people even include infographics and embedded video files in their digital resume. Its up to you to decide how many digital bells and whistles are appropriate for you, but at the very least you should start sending out your resume as a PDF, which can be ready on many different platforms, instead of a Word document.LinkedIn, of course, is the most popular platform for digitally hosted career information, and its a good idea to update the content there often- even if youre happy with your current position. Its a great place to network, raise your industry profile, and, yes, get recruited. However, be leery of slinging your personal information all over the Web. According to hea dhunting firm Robert Half, While technology enables a far wider distribution of your resume than was possible before, you dont want to invite excessive spam or other unwanted email by posting your resume too freely. Instead, focus on making sure your materials are posted where your target audience is most likely to see them.Finally, its a good idea to review your resume for typos and other writing errors. Even when reviewed by multiple eagle-eyed editors and proofreaders, bestselling novels still end up with embarrassing mistakes because the menschenwrdig mind is very, very good at mentally correcting them and then moving on. Careful re-reading often reveals mistakes that have been overlooked many times before, so always proofread the whole document, not just the part you changed, whenever you update your resume.Master the art of closing deals and making placements. Take our Recruiter Certification Program today. Were SHRM certified. Learn at your own pace during this 12-week progra m. Access over 20 courses. Great for those who want to break into recruiting, or recruiters who want to further their career.

Monday, December 9, 2019

What Goes in a Resume Reviews & Tips

What Goes in a Resume Reviews & Tips Other Tips for Writing Job-Specific Railroad Resumes Something to keep in mind when writing a particular railroad jobs resume is that its imperative you find out more about the position youre applying for. Building a job resume isnt hard. Resumes are made to highlight the very best side of an individual. Employers and recruiters are given a deluge of resumes daily and in response to each work opening. Now, its not that every CV is completely original, but nevertheless, it has to be original around and reflect you. Resumes ought to be personalized based on the company which you are applying for and the qualifications a work position entails. All the expert resumes share various characteristics. The Key to Successful What Goes in a Resume Being a casualty of corporate restructuring may impact your career. If you know you are going to be laid off soon, a current resume will let you begin searching for a new job while youre still employe d. You ought to find specific job opening posted by a particular business you would love to submit an application for. If youre constructing your very first job resume, the very first thing which you should do is decide which sort of job you are looking for. The Secret to What Goes in a Resume Therefore, it doesnt have any place in a resume and shouldnt be included. A restaurant rides on the cooperation and coordination of every member of the group in any way times. You never understand what experiences will connect with other folks. Experience in the restaurant industry makes it possible to develop unique skills which are extremely valuable. Nevertheless, theres a difference and its helpful to understand when to compose a CV vs resume. Your purpose is to quantifiably prove that you are able to. No 2 resumes ought to be alike. What You Need to Know About What Goes in a Resume Both are crucial if you are asking for a client-facing position. Thus, knowing the work descr iption of a specific position is quite important to have the ability to create a resume that will make a great impression to prospective employers. Resume is not just a document. however, it defines you and is the very first important key that ensures your prospective employer takes interest in you. Highlighting the prior employment record will demonstrate the responsibilities an individual previously held and the length of time they usually maintains a job. Occasionally it feels that your resume is supposed to introduce you to a company which will address every one of your problems. In general, the above mentioned outline is remarkably simple because the work search procedure, despite all of the anxiety and confusion, is remarkably easy. Resume tips for felons are a massive assistance. There are several different software programs offered for computers that may help anyone build a job resume. What Goes in a Resume Resume are simple to craft and can be readily copied and ad apted to your specific circumstance. Putting together an excellent copy of a resume is something that most individuals arent confident about. You have a good deal more to offer than you believe. Among the biggest mistakes I see in folks applying for roles in the business is using a generic resume to submit an application for certain roles. You dont always have to tell a wealthy and compelling story. One of the principal reasons is the improper resume. If you dont have a concept of how or where to begin, resume samples are available which will function as a guide toward achieving a perfect resume. After all, many folks read blogs not just in search of particular information, but in addition for lessons and mentorship on a person-to-person level. One of the greatest ways that produce sure you wind up with a perfect resume is the use of resume examples. There are lots of examples of resumes, but you need to remain certain to create your resume and cover letter with your very own personal touch. Folks will use functional summary resume examples to come up with an outline of the best method to present the releveant work experience. Know a list of hobbies for a resume isnt mandatory. Developing a great resume is the ideal way you are able to make that first impression. Individuals can use the resume examples to learn to create an overview of qualifications, and an individual paragraph that focuses on experience highlights.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

What Every Body Is Saying About Writing a Good Resume Ted Talk Is Dead Wrong and Why

What Every Body Is Saying About Writing a Good Resume Ted Talk Is Dead Wrong and Why Writing a Good Resume Ted Talk Ideas When youve produced a huge concept, run it by your gut. Its also important to think about the type of work you genuinely wish to be hired to do. A good point to remember regardless of what phase of the work application process youre in. What follows is a general summary of the application procedure, what kinds of interviews you will likely encounter (and in what order), and what Ive learned about each step of the procedure thus far. The Meaning of Writing a Good Resume Ted Talk Generally, your email address needs to be based on your name. If youre passionate about sharing a bedrngnision of your own and are considering positioning yourself as a thought leader in your industrywherever youre in your career, here is what you want to understand and the way to apply. Youre likely to obtain an interview, if youre not applying for the complete wrong position. Yo ur talk should become your homilie and your message should become your talk. Dont incorporate a photo of yourself Although in some countries it might be acceptable to include things like a photo, it isnt the norm in Canada. Highlight what youve accomplished You wish to be in a position to spot the best examples of where you demonstrated your abilities. It is essential you ought to include your skills that are about the job youre applying for. Theres always something you can do in order to develop your teamwork abilities. Writers are especially eager for inspiration, and TED Talks can be the ideal source, offering a terrific mixture of practical suggestions and raw ideas. Other individuals should work on their collaboration abilities. Studies have shown just how stories have an effect on the brain. The remarkable thing about TED Talks is the accessibility and capacity to learn wherever youre. What Everybody Dislikes About Writing a Good Resume Ted Talk and Why Receive a recorder and ask a person to take notes as you read the script. If it cant, congratulations, you are in possession of a fantastic chapterand only after multiple revisions and rewriting sessions are you going to learn which. When writing your statement, its important to look at where youre in your professional progression. Its only normal to be anxious about hiring an on-line essay writer as you can not ever be sure whether you are employing the suitable service or not. In the event you dont have any particular understanding about the work position that youre applying you could write in generalized form. As soon as you determine the skills you wish to concentrate on, do a bit of research and see whether they line up with job requirements listed for the positions youre seeking. You dont need to overstate your abilities or results because it will mislead the employer. Top Choices of Writing a Good Resume Ted Talk Have confidence in what youve got to offer you. Reading content ba ckwardsawkward and time-consuming though it could beis a fantastic way to catch minor mistakes that you could otherwise miss. Locating a job is a challenging job alone. The work market is an extremely competitive arena. The Battle Over Writing a Good Resume Ted Talk and How to Win It If you fret about the characteristic of your essay as well as youre worrying about whether you can locate a paper writer you may trust, you have arrived at the proper spot. Browsing our essay writing samples can provide you a good idea whether the standard of our essays is the quality youre looking for. Once you get your topic, its time to think of why that topic matters. You can locate the complete list here.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Unusual Article Uncovers the Deceptive Practices of Resume Languages

Unusual Article Uncovers the Deceptive Practices of Resume Languages Up in Arms About Resume Languages? English is principally employed for communicating with foreign men and women. English is among the most spoken languages on the planet. English is really the most important global language to speak. English is now a worldwide language. After youve decided where to distributionspolitik your language skills, your next task is to ascertain how to describe them. Its rare to discover a bilingual person with the same abilities and command of the language in a few languages. Consider what markets you wish to work in and get started translating in your languages. Fluently speaking another language may lead to significant cultural advantages. In order to hinder the risks and finish the endeavor, it is essential to select a translation company who receives aid from native speakers in the nations. A feeble translation service may bring your organization into pieces and because of th is you will ought to wind up your business addresses the nation. By leaving your comfort zone and translating your site, youll have the chance to grow the conversion potential considerably. If you would like to expand your company, translation is an integral portion of your arsenal. You choose how you wish to promote your product or solutions. A stylist might want to concentrate on special treatments theyve learned and a retail associate might want to monitor their merchandising expertise. The only way is to utilize good Korean translation service thats equipped to transferring every element of your business into Korean so the customers are going to be able to recognize clearly about all aspects regarding your company. If youve got an English business in London, a considerable part of your customers are going to feel more comfortable shopping in another language. The skills section of your resume shows employers youve got the abilities needed to be successful in the function. Resume objectives are occasionally regarded as the old schooltype of resume. If youre not certain which skills that you want to share, consider your prior experiences. Listing your skills provides a chance to showcase your abilities and experiences to prime employers for the remainder of your resume. As everyone probably knows, one of the most crucial keys to creating wealth is the correct attitude. While bilingual skill cannot guarantee a specific career or salary, workers who understand how to market their language ability show an extra dimension of their capacity to prospective employers. In the majority of cases, your soft skills can boost your hard skills. Be certain you prepare your resume dependent on the above skill collection. Resume is a type of document utilized by individuals that are seeking for employment. The resume summary will act as their sales pitch. On the flip side, if youve got a blog, you will do it with at least another 150 million bloggers. Since many job seekers may list skills in another section of their resume, in addition, it is important to weave them into descriptions under every one of your prior positions. Volunteer experience is also a great add-on to healthcare resumes since it shows the hiring manager which you have compassion off the work too. An internet search can help you to discover programs to in which to participate. On top of that, you will simply have to translate into a few languages to get started getting benefits. The Resume Languages Game The capability to speak different foreign languages will always be regarded as a strong point no matter the particular needs of the work position. Finally, your childs fluency in another language is going to be influenced by many elements, including personal motivation and parental support. Some parents send their children to language schools so they learn the language utilizing a more formal method. Getting plurilingual means having these skills in over two languages. Versant is a superb affordable way to acquire an objective evaluation that you may use when youre preparing your resume and need to be certain to include your Spanish language abilities Other studies imply that speaking another language, even if only during the initial years of life, helps build cognitive abilities so that a youngster will have a less difficult time learning different languages later on. Sometimes the quantity of education someone has received will help determine the sum of vocabulary they have. In some instances, learning two languages at one time may slow language development in contrast with monolingual children. Top Choices of Resume Languages Naturally, just like with any other language, the simplest way to learn Spanish is by studying it within a Spanish-speaking nation, and you have lots of alternatives, from South America to Europe. There are 6,800 languages in the planet, and as you cant understand where you will be born, you must pop from the womb to have the ability to speak any one of them. There are many methods to be called bilingual. There are several ways someone can get bilingual.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Rejection Letter Samples to Send After a Job Interview

Rejection Letter Samples to Send After a Job InterviewRejection Letter Samples to Send After a Job InterviewSend a Rejection Letter After a First Interview In many companies, a job applicant is invited for an initial interview during which a basic assessment of his or her skills, experience, and profil cultural fit occurs. In some companies, one individual conducts this interview. Increasingly, though, companies recognize the power of a candidate meeting more employees. They are including managers who are the boss of the position, employees who are the coworkers to the potential employee, internal customers of the prospective new hire, and other departmental managers and team leaders in the initial interview. Multiple interviews are becoming the norm as employers strive to select superior employees. Consequently, the job candidate may be attending the interview to obtain a second interview. You can use these sample rejection letters after a first interview to notify a candidate that he or she did not make the cut for a second interview. A Caveat About Using Interviews to Select Employees This is heresy to some Human Resources practitioners, but increasingly, studies of hiring practices indicate that the interview process is not an effective way of selecting employees. Pre-employment testing and background checks are leading contenders for best practices. The following is a sample rejection letter for a candidate who did not qualify for a second interview. This candidate welches less qualified than other interviewees. He or she receives this rejection letter following the first interview. Rejection Letter Sample Following Interview In this rejection letter following an initial interview, you are trying to convey that while you have applicants who are more skilled and experienced in a particular key component of the job, your team liked the candidate. You believe that the candidate is potentially a good fit for a job at your company. Note that in both of these sample letters, the writer did not beat around the bush. They made the rejection clear in the first paragraph of the email or letter. This is a best practice. Date personenname of Candidate Address City, State, Zip Code Dear (Candidate Name) We appreciate the time you took to come in for an interview for our administrative assistant position at McColls. You were not selected to return for additional interviews. We received applications from many qualified candidates, several of whom have many more years of experience working with our Human Resources Information System (HRIS), a key job requirement. Thank you for interviewing with our team. Everyone enjoyed meeting you and we hope that you consider applying for our open positions for which you qualify in the future. We wish you success with your current job search. We appreciate your interest in our company. Sincerely, Real Persons Name and Signature Example HR Director for the Employee Selection Team Rejection Letter Sampl e Following Interview In this second rejection letter, you are trying to convey your appreciation that the individual came in for an interview. You were not, however, totally convinced that their skills and experience were a good fit for your job and possibly not for your company. Date Name of Candidate Address City, State, Zip Code Dear (Candidate Name) This letter is to let you know that you were not selected to return to (company name) for a second interview. The selection committee appreciates your interest in applying for our open position. We also appreciate the time you invested in coming to meet with us. We truly recognize that job searching is a time-consuming activity for our job candidates. We wish you success in your ongoing job search. Sincerely, Helen Mitchell HR Director for the Employee Selection Team cell 123-456-7890 mora About Sample Candidate Rejection Letters Are you looking for additional sample rejection letters to send to your job candidates following an unsuccessful interview in your company? Take a look at more samples rejection letters. Here is a sample rejection letter for a candidate who did not appear to be a good fit for your company culture.See another sample rejection letter for use when youd like the candidate to interview for a different job in your company.Here is a sample rejection letter for a candidate you hope applies again in the future good cultural fit.This is a rejection letter for a candidate who was not selected following a first interview.Find a sample rejection letter for a candidate who is rejected following an interview. Here is a sample rejection letter for a candidate who was not selected following a second interview. Letters for Successful Job Candidates What if the candidate you are contacting was successful in his or her application? These are sample job offer letters to let the candidate know the good news. DisclaimerPlease note that the information provided, while authoritative, is not guarantee d for accuracy and legality. The site is read by a world-wide audience and ?employment lawsand regulations vary from state to state and country to country. Please seek legal assistance, or assistance from State, Federal, or International governmental resources, to make certain your legal interpretation and decisions are correct for your location. This information is for guidance, ideas, and assistance.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The 4 things successful job seekers do with Daylight Saving time

The 4 things successful job seekers do with Daylight Saving timeThe 4 things successful job seekers do with Daylight Saving timeUse Daylight Saving Time to benefit your job search. Have you ever found yourself wishing there were more hours in the day?Well, youre in luck At 200 a.m. on Sunday, November 3, we say good-bye to Daylight Saving Time in most of the United States and set our clocks back one hour. Instead of getting a little extra sleep this weekend, get up and invest that extra hour into your job search.Reevaluate your planAn effective job search requires clear and realistic job goals that align your core strengths and experience with your interests. Set aside time to brainstorm your next career move and document your goals. Prepare a job-search strategy that breaks your goals into smaller, more manageable milestones and tasks you can track on a weekly basis.Map out your weekThe job search is a full-time job however, it can be challenging to conduct a full-blown search even when youre not currently employed. Before your week begins, take out your calendar and look for creative ways to incorporate your job search into your existing activities. For instance, leverage your smartphone to search on-the-go or turn your current appointments into networking goldmines.Modify your absatzwirtschaft materialsUse this extra hour to review your professional brand. Make sure your resume is optimized for online applications and positioned to support your current job goals. Google your name to monitor your online brand andandthenmake adjustments as necessary. This might require you to lock up your personal, social accounts and update your online professional profiles to align with your resume.Tackle one terrifying taskMost job seekers gravitate toward the activities they enjoy the most and shy away from those they find less comfortable. As a job seeker, its important to employ multiple methods in order to maximize the number of job leads available. Use this extra time to take on your least favorite job-search activity, whether that means reaching out to your network or tailoring your online applications.How will you invest that extra hour into your job search?

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Early Career Engineers Learn About Additive Manufacturing in ...

Early Career Engineers Learn About Additive Manufacturing in ... Early Career Engineers Learn About Additive Manufacturing in ... Early Career Engineers Learn About Additive Manufacturing in New York Oct. 7, 2016 Members of the ASME-Association of German Engineers (VDI) Early Career Engineering Program contingent with members of ASME and New York University staff at the university’s MakerSpace facility. (Photo by Wil Haywood, Public Information) Early career engineers from ASME and the Association of German Engineers (VDI) recently met in New York to take part in a three-day workshop focusing on additive manufacturing/3D printing - one of the key technologies ASME is focusing on as part of its new strategic plan. During the visit, the engineers took part in tutorials covering additive manufacturing (AM) topics, and visited two area universities that have active AM research facilities. The event in New York was held as part of the ASME-VDI Early Career Engineers Program, which stemmed from an agreement the two organizations signed two years ago. During the first joint activity, five members from each society met at VDI headquarters in Dusseldorf in July 2014 to kick off the collaboration, which is intended to collect perspectives from early career engineers regarding the impact of advanced manufacturing, especially additive manufacturing, on their employers and subsequently the types of programs ASME and VDI should develop going forward. Victoria Bill (left), manager of New York University’s MakerSpace facility, talks with Samson Shepherd, a member of ASME’s Early Career Engineering Program team. (Photo by Wil Haywood, Public Information) This year, a total of 11 ECEs participated in the program in New York, which took place from Sept. 15 to 18. Anita Rebarchak, a senior systems engineer at Pratt Neha Dixit, a mechanical engineering associate at Practice Exponent; and Samson Shepherd, a mechanical engineer and project manager at Norcoast Mechanical in Alaska. Joining them on the team was Donnie Alonzo, Standards Certification engineer from ASME. Six members from VDI also took part in the event: Jan Lukas Braje, an electrical engineering student from Dresden University of Technology; Johannes Egger, an intern at INA-Schaeffler KG; Maximilian Engelhardt, a student of engineering and business administration at HTW Berlin ?University of Applied Sciences; Anna Hoff, a systems engineer at Ford Werke GmbH in Cologne; Patrick Rülke, an employee of the electric car start-up company e.Go Mobile; Paula Weidinger, a Ph.D. student at PTB - The National Metrology Institute of Germany. On the first day of the visit, the 11 young professionals convened at ASMEs 2 Park Avenue headquarters and met with John Koehr, managing director of technology advancement and business development for ASME, and Claudia Rasche, VDIs project coordinator for the ECE initiative, who both provided brief overviews of their respective societies for the engineering teams. Israr Kabir, ASMEs program manager for emerging technologies, also gave the group a demonstration of the MakerBot Replicator 3D Printer that is housed at ASME headquarters. Nikhil Gupta, associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at NYU, discussed cybersecurity concerns relating to additive manufacturing during his presentation to the Early Career Engineering Program group. (Photo by Wil Haywood, Public Information) The following day, the contingent toured the recently opened MakerSpace collaborative workspace at New York Universitys Tandon School of Engineering with Professor Nikhil Gupta and Victoria Bill, manager of the facility. Gupta and Bill discussed the vision behind the laboratory, which was developed to make learning about and experimenting with rapid prototyping more accessible to students at the university. During the tour, the ASME-VDI team members were able to get a close look at the variety of 3D printers at the facility. In addition, Dr. Gupta gave a presentation, Cybersecurity in Additive Manufacturing, during which he provided his perspective on cybersecurity concerns related to additive manufacturing and discussed emerging research to help alleviate these concerns, including using embedded security features in additively manufactured products to ensure quality control and authenticity. The delegation then traveled uptown to Columbia University to visit the schools Creative Machines Lab, a robotics laboratory encompassing researchers from various disciplines including engineering, computer science, physics, math and biology. The engineers also heard a presentation from Hod Lipson, professor of mechanical engineering and director of the Creative Machines Lab. Dr. Lipson, whose work on self-aware and self-replicating robots, food printing and bio-printing has received considerable media attention, is the co-author of the recent book Fabricated: The New World of 3D Printing and the co-author of more than 200 technical papers. The group then returned to ASME headquarters for a tutorial on additive manufacturing from advanced manufacturing expert Timothy Simpson, professor of mechanical engineering at Pennsylvania State University and co-director of the universitys CIMP-3D: Center for Innovative Materials Process through Direct Digital Deposition. During his presentation, Design Challenges and Research Opportunities in 3D Metal Printing, Dr. Simpson provided the ASME-VDI delegates with insight into additive manufacturing from both the academic and industry perspective. He also talked about his experiences with laser and electron beam AM machines, provided examples of several different machine builds, and discussed costs and the other pros and cons of additive manufacturing compared to tradition manufacturing. Hod Lipson, professor of mechanical engineering and director of Columbia University’s Creative Machines Lab, addresses the ASME-VDI delegation during their visit to the robotics laboratory. (Photo by Wil Haywood, Public Information) On the final day of the visit, members of the ASME and VDI teams met to share their observations on the previous days activities. They also discussed the next phase of the project, a re-convening of the two teams at VDI headquarters in Dusseldorf on Oct. 7 and 8, and the creation of a white paper or report including findings and recommendations based on the programs in New York and Dusseldorf. That report is expected to be completed next spring. Interest in AM continues to exceed expectations and is poised to grow significantly due to major acquisitions such as GEs recent $1.4 billion purchase of AM equipment providers Arcam and SLM, according to Dr. Simpson. In addition, software firms are also investing heavily in AM, as our computer-aided design now tools lag our manufacturing capability, limiting what engineers can design and analyze, he said, making this the perfect time for programs that familiarize early career engineers with this rapidly growing field. ASMEs Early Career Engineering Program with VDI is particularly important given the advancements in AM coming from Germany, Simpson said. (AM technology providers) EOS and SLM are globally recognized leaders in AM technology, and Germany and Europe are outpacing most the world in AM thanks to the Fraunhofer Institutes, which helped develop much of todays AM technology. Its important that ASME learn from their Germany counterparts how to engage with these institutes now that we have the National Network for Manufacturing Innovation in the U.S. Meanwhile, the focus on early career engineers is essential because these will be the engineering thought leaders that will help AM achieve its full potential. Tim Simpson (left), professor of mechanical engineering at Penn State and co-director of the university’s CIMP-3D: Center for Innovative Materials Process through Direct Digital Deposition, shared insights into additive manufacturing from the viewpoints of both academia and industry during this presentation to the ASME-VDI group. (Photo by Wendy Felton, Public Information) The ASME-VDI Early Career Engineering Program is also significant because it highlights the fact that AM activities are taking place throughout the world at universities and other facilities, such as the TechShop network of fabrication studios, according to Raj Manchanda, ASME project manager for the ASME-VDI program and director for ASME Emerging Technologies. There may have just been a few engineers who were able to take part in this particular activity, but there are opportunities for engineers to learn more about AM just about everywhere, Manchanda said. If our project can help entice people to visit their own local university and ask if it has a MakerSpace they can get involved with, then weve achieved our goal. For more information on the ASMEs strategic interest in manufacturing or the ASME-VDI Early Career Engineering Program, contact Raj Manchanda, Emerging Technologies, by e-mail at

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

How to Decide if You Should Freelance - The Muse

How to Decide if You Should Freelance - The Muse How to Decide if You Should Freelance I’ve been a full-time freelance writer for nearly three years now. As a result, I hear from a lot of people who are aiming to start freelance careers and are looking for a detailed answer about exactly how I made it happen. Beyond attempting to get their hands on a supposed black and white formula for success, I find that many of them are simply seeking reassurance- they want to know that they too can quit their jobs and make it work. Here’s the thing: That’s not a promise I can make. Everybody’s situation is unique, and whether or not you’re able to make a go of it as a freelancer depends so much on your own determination- and a little bit (alright, a lot) of luck. What I can do, however, is give you a bit of food for thought to help you determine your next steps. If you’ve been considering leaving your job in favor of pursuing the freelance life, here are a few things I encourage you to consider before jumping ship. 1. How Comfortable Are You With Instability? Chances are, you’ve heard of the notorious feast or famine phenomenon that comes along with freelancing. When things are good, they’re really good. But, when they’re bad? Well, they can be really bad. Because you’re responsible for finding your own projects and clients, your workload, income, and- as a direct result- your confidence can fluctuate even more than you can imagine. For some people, that’s exciting. But, for others, it’s panic-inducing. So, instead of just acknowledging that these ups and downs exist, it’s important to take the time to think about how you’ll cope with them- both financially and emotionally. If you’re someone who needs predictability and stability in order to thrive? You might not adore freelancing as much as you’re assuming you will. 2. How Much of a Self Starter Are You? I always thought of myself as extremely self-motivated. But when I started as a freelance writer, I realized I needed to kick that quality up about eight notches. Freelancing doesn’t just require you to be a self starter- it requires you to be an extreme self starter. Your livelihood rests solely on your shoulders. You need to chase down work, network without shame, and put yourself out there for projects that might terrify you. And, you need to do that all with little to no direction or pressure from a boss who’s impatiently tapping her foot. I’ll be the first to admit that can be paralyzing, and not everybody’s equipped (or even willing!) to be so aggressive and disciplined. 3. Why Do You Want to Freelance? This is usually one of the very first questions I ask people who approach me for freelance advice. More often than not, the responses I receive look similar. “I want to be able to work when and where I want. I don’t want a boss anymore. I don’t like what I’m doing right now and I need an escape.” Do you know what I don’t hear that often? Something that goes like, “I’m really passionate about this work and think striking out on my own would be challenging and rewarding!” People are always quick to cite the things that they don’t like about their current situations, rather than what they’re hoping to accomplish as freelancers. They look at the lifestyle as their ticket to finally work in their pajamas and have flexible schedules. However, if you’re seriously considering freelancing as a career path, it’s important that you recognize there’s a lot more to it than that. Ensure that the reasons you want to take this road extend beyond the superficial clichés, and you’ll be a step ahead of most people already! 4. What’s Your Back-up Plan? I’ll be the first to admit that I’m hardly the person to lecture you on back-up plans- I bid adieu to the security of my full-time job without so much as a loose strategy in place. It worked out. But that doesn’t mean that I’d recommend you take the same approach. What happens if you try it, and you can’t make ends meet? What if you give it a whirl and decide you hate it? What will you do if your circumstances change and you realize you need a full-time job that offers benefits? Perhaps you’ll secure a part-time job to subsidize your income. Maybe your partner can afford to carry you financially for a while. Or, perhaps you’ll give yourself a certain amount of time (six months, a year) before you decide it’s time to head back to a more traditional career. Regardless, I think it’s smart to have at least some inkling of what you’d do if this leap doesn’t pan out in your favor. Things change, and one of the only certainties that freelancing brings with it is this: uncertainty. Quitting your job to pursue a freelance career is a big decision. And, while it’s impossible to predict exactly how things will play out for you, you want to be sure that you give this decision the time and careful consideration it deserves. Start by asking yourself these four key questions, and you’ll gain some clarity about whether or not it's truly the best move for you. Considering waving goodbye to your nine to five and saying “hello” to the freelance life? Tweet me and let me know!

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Low Cost Employee Wellness Program Ideas

Low Cost Employee Wellness Program Ideas Low Cost Employee Wellness Program Ideas If you’ve read some of the recent articles about corporate wellness programs, you may already be familiar with the positive impact that prevention can have on employee benefit costs. Whether you choose to work with a wellness program vendor or start a simple company wellness program on your own, the good news is that this effort doesn’t have to cost a whole lot, but the investment gives back so much. It’s been estimated that for every dollar spent on wellness initiatives, up to $3 is saved in health care premiums and $2 in absenteeism. This is about a 300 percent ROI, and it’s hard to find anything that compares. Wellness programs have also been shown to raise employee engagement levels, making them more productive and increasing revenues for any company. Top Ideas for Low Cost Employee Wellness Programs It’s very possible to put together a wellness program that benefits your employees while sticking to a small budget. To help you out, we’ve put together a list of 30 low cost employee wellness program ideas for any workplace. Onsite Wellness Services â€" Chair massages, meditation sessions, yoga instruction, acupuncture and more can be valuable wellness services that can be offered at low cost to employees. Set aside a special area where employees can sign up for weekly sessions at reduced costs.Free Healthy Snacks â€" Employee break areas and meeting rooms should be stocked with plenty of healthy low-fat snacks instead of salty or sugary ones. Give employees the ability to make healthier choices about the way they snack when you buy these products in bulk. Walk / Bike Paths â€" It costs next to nothing to establish an area around the company building for a walking or biking path. Simply designate an area of the company property for lunchtime walks, give out cheap pedometers to employees so they can track their movement, and a selection of bikes for employees to enjoy on their breaks.De-stress Zones â€" Every office needs at least one “safe” area where employees can cry, vent, or distress after a particularly tough day. Create space in your building where employees can get this out of their system without the embarrassment of losing it in front of peers. Employee Assistance Programs â€" These very low-cost programs give employees the ability to call a caring counselor about any area of their work or personal life to get confidential support when they need it the most.Water Coolers â€" Water is essential for a healthy mind and body, therefore your office should provide fresh water at all times. Get a water cooler through a local rental program or buy spring water in bulk cases and make sure the office fridge is stocked.Flexible Work Schedules â€" A zero cost benefit that gives employees more work life balance is a huge perk for many working people, especially those who are caring for others or raising kids. Give employees a flexible schedule so they can arrive at their chosen time in the morning, have lunches or work from home if they need to. Corporate Health Discounts â€" There are many ways to pass corporate health discounts down to employees for local gyms, YMCAs, and health product vendors.Fitness Room â€" Establish a workout area in one large office in your workplace by investing in second hand gym equipment, floor mats, and a smoothie bar.Catered Lunches â€" Employees may skip meals or make unhealthy meal choices when they are too busy or stressed out. At least once a month, make it a point to bring in a catering company to prepare and serve a healthy meal to your workers.   Plants in the Office â€" Too many offices and workplaces are filled with stuffy, recycled air that can make employees feel sluggish. Make it a healthier place by adding plenty of oxygen-producing plants everywhere.Ergonomic Work Stations â€" A low cost way to maintain employee wellness is creating work stations that include back-supporting chairs, lots of natural lighting, and de-cluttered desks. Work with an office furniture vendor to secure these items for less.Exercise Clubs â€" Make the workplace fun and encourage employees to get up and moving with exercise clubs for walkers, runners, and those who love organized sports. A basketball hoop set up on one end of the parking lot can support this goal too. Employee Incentives â€" When employees make the ultimate choice to get healthy, lose weight, or break a bad habit, they often respond well to incentives like peer recognition, movie tickets, and reduced health insurance costs â€" things you can support.Cooking Classes â€" Talk to local restaurants and universities to see if there is a professional chef willing to come in to conduct a cooking class for your employees. This often low cost (or free) event can inspire employees to cook healthy at home for their families. Wellness Technology â€" There are many free and low cost wellness apps and web tools for managing weight, blood pressure, diabetes, stress, smoking cessation, and more so be sure to provide access to these to your employees.Health Libraries â€" Create a corporate library that includes plenty of books on health and wellness topics, or add a digital health library to your company website for health information on-demand.Wellness Workshops â€" Along with health cooking classes, you can invite various health and wellness vendors and practitioners in your area to conduct wellness workshops in a “brown bag” lunch format. Health and Wellness Fair â€" Take this to the next level by planning an annual health and wellness fair that groups dozens of wellness and health practitioners, vendors, and services into one big area onsite. A few months before employee benefits open enrollment can be an opportune time to schedule a health and wellness fair.Management Retreats â€" Your management team has a lot of pressure on them all the time, so it’s important to give them the support they need to lead by example. Schedule a once-a-year management retreat at a health spa or local conference center, bringing in speakers and wellness practitioners at a reduced group rate.   Stair Challenges â€" If your building has stairs, challenge your employees to use them instead of elevators with stair step challenges. Provide a bell on stairwells and encourage employees to ring them when they reach the top, earning an applause from peers on that floor.Breakroom Games â€" Gaming can help employees reduce the tension from their workdays. Install some rented basketball and arcade games in your break areas and encourage employees to visit them at least once per day for 15 minutes.Group Outings â€" Company picnics, team building, and other group outings can be very beneficial to employee well-being. Give managers the ability to schedule these outings at least once or twice a year for their teams. Food Co-op â€" Work with farmers and produce groups to bring in healthy fruits and veggies as part of a company-wide food co-op program at least once a month. Give employees the chance to buy these foods at a greatly reduced group rate.Paid Voluntary Insurance â€" Voluntary benefits can be very inexpensive and provide just the wellness support that employees need. They can also reduce financial stress by giving employees a buffer against the worry about health and retirement concerns.Corporate Rewards â€" While you are developing a wellness program for employees, remember that a rewards-based system often produces more favorable results. Regular recognition, rewards, and incentives help employees stick to their wellness goals. Paid Time Off â€" Offering employees the ability to take much needed time off with pay doesn’t have to cost a lot. Give them at least one PTO day that they can use for whatever they want to do for themselves.Volunteer Days â€" Once a quarter, gather your employees and get them involved in a community-wide clean-up day or some other type of volunteer service. This can be a highway beautification project, a local urban garden project, or a corporate car wash to raise money for a cause.Pets at Work â€" Stress is a number one killer in the workplace, and pets have been shown to reduce stress dramatically. Let employees have desk fish aquariums which provide the soothing sound of water, and have a once a year “bring your pet to work” day to experience this wellness. 24/7 Nurse Hotline â€" Having fast access to medical advice is a low cost option that can be included in a corporate wellness program. A live telephone nurse hotline can be used to help employees get the help they need before spending an expensive visit in hospital emergency care center. These are just a handful of the many ways to provide employee wellness support on a budget. We encourage you to include a few of them in your plan to create a unique corporate wellness benefit program for a better, healthier work culture for your employees. For more on employee wellness benefits see also 25 Low Cost Employee Benefits for a Healthier Year.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

How to Determine the Best Job Offer

How to Determine the Best Job Offer How to Determine the Best Job Offer It might seem that sorting through several solid job offers would be a dream scenario. After all, you spent time perfecting your resume and cover letter and fighting through the interview process to get the offer, right? Wrong. The job process isn’t necessarily about getting all the offers you can. It’s about getting one good offer from a company that truly suits your complex career goals. Your needs are more elaborate than a salary and a good title. The best offer will take into account both of these things as well as benefits, how you’ll spend your time daily and your opportunities for building your network and meeting motivated people. Here’s a checklist you can use to evaluate your job offers and determine whether or not the best offer really is the best for you: Salary: Bigger Isn’t Always Better Is more money better? Not always. Many studies show that $75,000  is the salary cap at which money no longer significantly impacts your day-to-day happiness. Unless money truly is a personal motivator for you, don’t judge the best offer by salary alone. Beyond comparing one number to another, salary can also be an opportunity to understand the difference between job offers. For example, if you receive two similarly-titled job offers and one offers $52,000 and the other offers $72,000, you’ll want to understand why the salary is so different. Is it the location? The responsibilities? The company? Each answer can provide a clue as to which offer is truly the best for you. Benefits Much like a salary, a bigger benefits package isn’t always better because it may be full of value that you don’t intend to use. Often a company’s salary package reflects benefits, so if you don’t use them you are essentially missing out on compensation. Take a minute to decode your lifestyle and your needs for the near future. Do you plan to buy a house or adopt a child? Do you need coverage for your spouse, or are you a single, healthy person in search of a low monthly premium? Understanding how the benefits that come with a job offer will play out in your life (not just their face value) will help you decide which offer will benefit you the most. What Does Your Daily Job Description Look Like? The most important factor in assessing the fit of a new job is what your day-to-day function will be. Job titles can vary, with a Project Manager in one company functioning more like an assistant team lead and a Project Manager in another company functioning more like a manager. The best way to understand the reality of the offer in your hand is to talk to someone at the company who has that role. The second best way is to carefully compare the actual job description of each offer side-by-side. Beyond your time on the job, you should also consider how this position might affect your personal life. Are you going from a passive role to an active one, in which you might be significantly more drained by the end of the day? Or are you swapping out an overwhelming “work-til-you-drop” environment for a more laid back (but lower paying) vibe? How you want to feel in your daily life will be a huge indicator of which job offer is the best for you. Will You Be Building a Valuable Network? Working with people you like and care about is a significant source of job satisfaction. You don’t have to be best friends, but camaraderie and a sense of a shared goal (and a few inside jokes) can go a long way to making your workday fly by. Furthermore, part of the value of your job is to create relationships with people with similar goals, interests and views of the world. Where you work will be a powerful source of networking and professional contacts. When you consider a job offer, try your best to get a feel for the culture of the workplace and the people who work there. Do you have any shared interests or demographic information in common? Will you be interested in helping and receiving help from these people? Differences can have a positive impact on overall company performance, but shared experiences and communication  are what help companies achieve those results. Sometimes the best job offer really is the best… and sometimes an opportunity is hiding behind a lackluster title or brand name. When you’re considering several job offers, make sure you look at all the facts before deciding which is truly the best for you. Still not sure if you’ve landed the right offer? Here’s another approach. If you only have one offer, you’ll want to read this article  too.

Friday, November 15, 2019

3 Mistakes People Make When Bored at Work - The Muse

3 Mistakes People Make When Bored at Work - The Muse 3 Mistakes People Make When Bored at Work Unless you’re one of the lucky few, at some point you’ll end up in a position that you find to be incredibly boring. And I get it. If you can do your job in your sleep, it can be easy to lose the motivation to do it well. But here’s the thing- even if watching a yule log sounds more appealing than your 9-to-5, there are a few mistakes that your boredom might lead to that are inexcusable. And while you can blame the fact you’re “not stimulated,” at the end of the day, it’s all on you. 1. You’re Unresponsive When Your Colleagues Need You When your job puts you to sleep, it’s tempting to say, “Hey, there’s a video of cats playing with water bottles I’ve been meaning to watch. I’ll just take the rest of the afternoon to catch up on it.” And sure, there are times when you've been working so hard that you should take a few minutes to get up to date on whatever viral content all your friends are watching. The only problem is that when you’re bored, it’s easy to fall into the trap of prioritizing these “really quick side projects.” And even though you don’t love what you do, the people you work with still have things they need to get done. So when they need your help on a project, it’s up to you to continue following through- especially when you know that they can’t move forward without you. It’s not your colleagues’ fault that you’re unhappy, so really, don’t take it out on them by not caring about deadlines. 2. You’re Complaining at the Office OK, there are plenty of TV shows that make it seem like complaining about your job or company while sitting at your desk is par for the course. While it might look like a good way to blow off some steam before you get back to your not-so-exciting tasks, you’re doing more harm than good. For starters, you run the risk of having someone you’re not particularly close to overhear what you have to say- which can be incredibly damaging if that person also happens to be in charge (or a tattletale). But more importantly, you also forget that you probably work with a few folks who are pretty satisfied with their work. Not only are you irritating those people, but if they’re in a position to help you to move on to something more exciting (either at your current company or down the road at another organization), you’re not putting yourself in a good position to approach them later on. After all, who’d want to recommend the guy who complained about everything, every single day. LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO BE BORED AT YOUR JOB So quit messing around on the internet and find a company you truly love Check out awesome companies hiring now 3. You’re Not Looking for Something New When you’re bored with what you do, it’s up to you to do something to change that. Whether that means taking on additional responsibilities that might be more interesting or starting a search for something new, nobody’s going to volunteer to do that work for you. If it’s just your job itself that’s tedious and you're happy with your company, consider looking into an internal transfer. And if you’re not satisfied with either your job or company, don’t rule out just launching a job search. Sure, it can be stressful and uncertain at times, but unless you’re willing to do something you find boring for the next few years, this is one of the best ways you can change the way you feel about going to work every day. If you’re dragging yourself to the office Monday through Friday to do something you know will make you yawn, don’t worry- you’re not alone. However, that doesn’t let you off the hook for these basic mistakes you’re prone to making when you don’t find what you do particularly exciting. And while it’s always easier to point the finger, if you’re interested in improving your situation, take a hard look in the mirror and think deeply about how you can start making a change- because you can. Photo of bored person courtesy of JGI/Jamie Grill/Getty Images.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

CV Vs. Resume Whats The Difference

CV Vs. Resume Whats The Difference CV Vs. Resume Whats The Difference No matter where you are on in your employment quest, you’ve heard the phrase “curriculum vitae,” whether that was from a professional resume writer or in a job blog post online. Many panicked job-seekers wonder if they’re doing all they can for their careers if they don’t have a CV on file. For most American workers, this document is an unnecessary extra, but I’ll explain the differences just in case you’re one of the few who will need to keep one in hand. What is a CV? Unless you’re applying to a job that specifically requests a CV, or are looking for a job in academia, you’ll likely never need a CV most jobs use resumes. Modern hiring professionals want a quick summary of your most valuable skills after all, they have a lot of applicants to weed through before they make their list of people to interview. A CV is not brief, nor does it only list the skills needed for any single given job. Instead, a CV is a lengthy document (often more than five pages and almost always more than two) that lists all of your work history, published works, presentations, affiliations and academic achievements. It’s meant to establish your position as an expert in your field. Although that would seem useful for nearly anyone, sending a CV when a resume is called for is a sure fire way to destroy your chances at any given resume-driven job. The Biggest Difference Between a CV and a Resume Obviously, the length of these two documents differs greatly, but there are more than just page counts that separate them. The attitude of a CV is much like what you’d expect, too. It’s very straightforward, offering loads of raw data for an employer. A resume, on the other hand, is more like a sales document and your job history is the thing on special. A resume extracts data from your life and frames it in ways that show a specific employer exactly what you have to offer them. The resume should save potential employers the time of digging around for features and instead present the benefits of hiring you in plain language. When writing a professional resume, you’re offering up the highlights to a specific audience. A CV provides your career history to anyone and everyone who might be interested. Like with all things in life, you should always use the right tool when you’re job seeking to get the very best results.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Future Engineers Launch Events Celebrate 3D Design and Creativity

Future Engineers Launch Events Celebrate 3D Design and Creativity Future Engineers Launch Events Celebrate 3D Design and Creativity Future Engineers Launch Events Celebrate 3D Design and Creativity Oct. 20, 2017 Young visitors at the “Two for the Crew” challenge launch at Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum on Sept. 27 had the opportunity try out Tinkercad software. Trumpeting the message, If you can design it, you can print it!, recent launch events held to promote the ASME Foundations latest Future Engineers challenge opened up the 3D design world to students and encouraged them to explore its infinite possibilities. More than 400 students and guests gathered at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum on Sept. 27 for the official announcement of the sixth Future Engineers challenge, Two for the Crew. Joining representatives from the ASME Foundation and NASA, these aspiring engineers had a chance to flex their creative digital design skills while exploring Tinkercad software and watching MakerBot 3D printers in action. The “Two for the Crew” event at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum featured a panel session on K-12 STEM education and non-traditional partnerships. Taking part in the discussion were (left to right) moderator Deanne Bell, founder of Future Engineers; Barb Gruber, supervisor of school programs for the National Air and Space Museum; Josh Ajima, instructional facilitator for technology at Loudoun County Public Schools and blogger; Ryan Heitz, co-founder and head of Ideaventions Academy; and Paul Scott, interim executive director of the ASME Foundation. Following this 3D design-and-print show and tell, Future Engineer founder Deanne Bell facilitated a panel discussion featuring ASME Foundation Interim Executive Director Paul Scott. The discussion focused primarily on the opportunities to positively impact K-12 STEM education through non-traditional collaborative partnerships. A similar approach was on display at the ASME Foundations Future Engineers booth at the 2017 Girl Scout Convention in Columbus, Ohio, from Oct. 3 to 5. Building on a theme of G.I.R.L. Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker and Leader the convention hosted some 10,000 scouts, delegates, and parents who enthusiastically camped out at the Future Engineers exhibit to render their 3D designs and get the red carpet treatment at a corresponding step-and-repeat photo booth. The ASME Foundation’s Future Engineers booth at the 2017 Girl Scout Convention in Columbus, Ohio, included a step-and-repeat photo area, complete with red carpet. Two for the Crew is the sixth in a series of space innovation challenges developed by Future Engineers along with the ASME Foundation with technical assistance by NASA. This national 3D design challenge asks K-12 students across the United States to combine two objects into one for astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS). The end product will be a model intended to be 3D printed by astronauts on the ISS. By taking part in this design and creative problem-solving challenge, students will learn about the advantages of in-space manufacturing, including customization. Submissions from K-12 students in the United States will be accepted through Dec. 19, 2017 at Winners will be announced on March 14, 2018. -Patti Jo Rosenthal, Programs Philanthropy

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

How to Honestly Answer This Tricky Job Interview Question

How to Honestly Answer This Tricky Job Interview Question How to Honestly Answer This Tricky Job Interview Question You’re in the middle of a job interview, and- so far- things have been going well. You made some friendly small talk with the interviewer, and you’ve confidently answered every single question he’s thrown your way. Then comes the one you were dreading: Why did you leave your last job? “Because my boss was a terrible monster!” that little voice inside your head is screaming as you nervously bite your lip and desperately try to come up with what  to say in response. It’s a tricky job interview question. We’re told to be honest in job interviews, yet we’re also advised not to badmouth our previous supervisors or employers. So, what do you do? How do you handle this sticky situation without painting yourself in a really negative light? Here’s how to answer this tricky job interview question and talk about your last job in a way that’s positive and professional: 1. Start  with the positives. Even if your boss was terrible and the job was a soul-sucking nightmare, you probably still extracted something from that experience- whether it was a new relevant skill or a great bond with your fellow coworkers. When talking about a more delicate situation like why you jumped ship from your last role, it’s best to start with something valuable and beneficial that you were able to take away from that position. Sure, call it sugarcoating. But, leading with the positives helps to reaffirm that you’re not out to throw your previous employer under the bus. What to say: “I’m really grateful for my time in that role, as it gave me the opportunity to increase my marketing knowledge while forging some lifelong bonds with my colleagues.” 2. Be  honestsort of. With that preface out of the way, it’s time to touch on why you actually left that position. You want to do this in an honest and upfront manner, without sounding like you’re highlighting every single flaw of your past boss or company. It might sound tricky- but, rest assured, it’s not impossible. For example, maybe your boss was a quintessential micromanager who wouldn’t let you send a single email without her stamp of approval. Instead of diving into all of those dirty details, it’s better to talk about the fact that you were looking for more room and flexibility to use your strengths and talents- but the management style of your previous company was more rigid and didn’t necessarily allow for that much autonomy. You don’t want to badmouth your previous positions. However, there’s no rule stating that you need to give them glowing reviews either. You can be honest in a way that doesn’t make you sound like a disgruntled gossip. What to say: “I was eager to advance in my career and independently lead more projects. But, with such a small and tight-knit team, the management style wasn’t necessarily set up to support that level of ownership from employees.” 3. Mention  what excites you about this opportunity. Without a doubt, you’re going to need to discuss your employment history when interviewing for a new job. But, it’s also important to remember that this interview concerns your future just as much as it involves your past. So, it’s always best to wrap up your answer by reaffirming the key things that excite you about this position. Doing so caps off your interview on a positive note, while also focusing the attention back on the job you’re currently applying for- as opposed to the one you just left. It’s best if you can somehow tie an aspect of this new position back to the grievance you mentioned about your previous role. So, for example, if you mentioned that you didn’t get much autonomy at your last job, touching on a challenging project that you’d have the opportunity to manage with this new company is a great way to demonstrate your level of interest in this particular position. What to say: “That’s why I’m so intrigued by this position. The job description mentioned that you’re looking for someone who can spearhead an entire rebranding of your digital presence. The prospect of taking ownership of that sort of project excites me, and I think it’s a challenge that really speaks to my skill set and experience.” Needing to talk about a past role or employer in a job interview can be awkward at best. You want to be honest, without sounding like you’re pointing fingers or throwing everybody else under the bus. Fortunately, there’s a way you can address that question head on- without leaving a bad taste in the interviewer’s mouth. Piece together these three tips, and you’ll have an answer that portrays you as the positive and polite professional that you are. Are you or  someone you know looking for a new job? Refer a friend to with this  link- you’ll get a month free service and they’ll get 30% off!

Sunday, November 10, 2019

What is Actually Going on with Scannable Resume

What is Actually Going on with Scannable Resume The overall appearance of your resume is dependent upon the resume format, font and outline you select. One other important decision you must make about your resume format is the duration of your resume. Men and women who regularly handle a massive volume of resumes often use some form of electronic resume scanning process to be able to help them sort through resumes quickly. It's necessary for you to understand how to format your organization appointment Letters in the exact initial site. It's possible to check our samples to see several distinct formats. The Interactive Resume resource has a sample resume on which you are able to click each section to find out more about different sections of the resume and the way to compose each section of the resume. If you haven't written a typical copy of your resume, or would like to compose an original copy for a text file, begin at Step 4. Follow sample layouts if you're stuck. Professional resume writers still agree there are several right ways to compose a resume. The resume goal is among the most important paragraphs in a teacher's resumeif maybe not the most essential. The duration of your resume will be contingent on how much space you will need to compactly and precisely list your relevant abilities and accomplishments. Review the job posting and determine the most essential words used. Use writing from the work description to demonstrate that guide are familiar examples the tools they'd would like you to use. To purchase essay online, you merely will need to fill in the application form and you'll get superior work on the desired topic. Possessing a summary statement, you remain able to emphasize your abilities and achievements, but might also highlight your personal brand. List you're the ideal skill you've got in the ideal section. When you're finished, the correspondence must seem to be an Expert small small business letter. The correspondence has all info needed for an employee to Begin working in the business. Also if it's too fancy, it may switch off the employer. Your prospective employer would like to know that you may follow simple instructions even when you have the credentials of the President of america. The aim of your resume is to promote your services to employers. Some resumes use a mix of these strategies. Organization There are several tactics to organize a resume. Usually, the individual who reads your resume has many different responsibilities in their company. The Little-Known Secrets to Scannable Resume If you decide to have an objective, it needs to be no more than two lines. Resume length may vary based on your circumstance. The more legible your words are, the simpler your resume is going to be to scan. Sometimes Resume objective can seem to be a small statement. however, it's a really massive message to communicate. If you're submitting a text resume to submit an application for an advertised job, don't forget to have the work ad before you as you write your resume. In the cyber-world as in real life, your resume and cover letter are the very first chance you've got to create an impression on a possible employer. A work offer acceptance letter is something w hich you're able to supply to another company when you've made the choice to undertake a job that's been offered to you. Writing an endorsement letter is an excellent policy for just about any job seeker who's decided to have a work deal. It's compulsory if you're an entry-level candidate. By fine-tuning your keywords to fulfill the qualifications of each job, the more probable that you will be asked to an interview where it is possible to sell yourself. Both can cause you to get exceptional but only one can allow you to land work. Obviously, ahead of registering offer letter, you wish to agree on just what the work actually involves you don't need to agree to receive a position whenever the responsibilities are misrepresented to you. Don't incorporate every job that you have ever had. Don't forget that each job is unique, which means you should research what abilities a particular employer will be trying to find. Scannable Resume Options Be ready to support your resume! No resume ought to be sent without one. Make certain that you get the information you're looking for. You might also find decent keyword options in the event the corporate website for the organization you're applying to lists profiles of employees who currently do the position you're applying for. When you're attempting to pinpoint which keywords to include on your resume, it's prudent to examine the firm's website to receive a feeling of the key terms and jargon typically used within that organization. There are, in addition, some dangerous keywords and phrases.